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10-03-10 03:05
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Joe Nathan

Minnesota Twins reliever Joe Nathan has been diagnosed with a torn ligament in his right elbow, leaving the team without a proven closer less than a month from Opening Day.

The team announced Nathan has a "significant tear," but will not immediately opt for surgery. He will rest and rehab the elbow over the next one to two weeks, then determine whether he can pitch with the injury.

Nathan may get a second opinion from Dr. James Andrews, the surgeon who operated on his elbow last October to remove bone chips.

Surgery would likely cost Nathan all of the 2010 season -- a potentially devastating turn of events for a team expected to contend in the AL Central Division. Injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament have led to season-ending Tommy John surgery for other pitchers.

There are not many experienced free agent closers available, meaning the Twins might have to turn to their farm system or make a trade if they chose not to promote another reliever from within the bullpen.

Jon Rauch, a 6-foot-11 right-hander, has the most experience closing games of anyone in the Twins' bullpen, with 26 career saves over five major league seasons. He split 2009 between the Twins and Arizona Diamondbacks, finishing with a 7-3 record, a 3.60 ERA and 17 holds in 75 appearances.

Matt Guerrier, another right-handed reliever, went 5-1 last season with 33 holds and a 2.36 ERA in 79 appearances.

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