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12-04-21 08:45
ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ yawny
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Peter Abelard

He was a star medieval philosopher and the most romantic man in history. He loved Heloise so much that he got castrated for it. And then, even though he was castrated, he still loved her. That's love! If I were castrated, the only thing I would love is TV.

Read more:,28804,2111975_2112269_2112278,00.html 

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Mustafa Ataturk
I did not put him on the list because Turkish people flooded with requests for Ataturk on the list of the most important person of the 20th century, and I don't need that kind of flood in my personal inbox. No, I did it because he deserves it.

Henry Ford
Imagine running an incredibly successful business while not getting along with the union or the Jews. That's a rough path.

Lesbian stuff used to be named after her until the Internet came along and replaced it with "girl on girl."

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
The only thing that made me even think about not putting him on the list is that most influential people are a little better at managing their image. I'm just saying that for a skinny dude, there's a lot of Chinese restaurants with statues of him looking ginormous.

Marie Curie
Everyone called her Madame. That's pretty impressive. Also, I needed more women on the list. Women weren't allowed to do much stuff for most of history. It took me a long time to understand that. I was very confused about why we learned about Clara Barton in school.

Genghis Khan
About 30 million people today are great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren of Genghis Khan. Impregnating lots and lots of women is a very solid way to become influential.

Peter the Great
He modernized Russia. Unfortunately, he died at 42 and his work is still unfinished.

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Louis Pasteur
I would have also put Louis Homogen on the list but could not Google who invented homogenizing milk.

Geoffrey Chaucer
No one before and no one after became such an acceptable part of public-school education with a book containing that long of a fart joke.

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Alexander the Great
Anyone called "the Great" pretty much made my list.

William the Conqueror
Although not as great as "the Great," being called "the Conqueror" probably means you got some stuff done.

Cyrus the Great
No idea what he did, but he was called "the Great," and that's good enough for me.

Catherine the Great
I'm starting to worry that people just called themselves "Great."

Otto the Great

Is it possible "Great" meant something else back then, like "Dude"?

Frederick the Great

Would never had made this list if not for the "Great" part. And Charlemagne would have, if he had stuck with his other name, "Charles the Great." Bad call, Charlemagne.

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